
Xiaomi Reveals Why Mi A3 Android 10 Update Is Delayed - shillingbegaings

Xiaomi Reveals Why Mi A3 Android 10 Update Is Delayed

Terminated the past few weeks, most of the posts on Xiaomi India's social media handles were filled with requests and queries regarding Android 10 update for the company's budget Android One device – the Mi A3.

Unequal other device update requests, there was a three-dimensional reason for this rapid influx of requests from Mi A3 users. Xiaomi's VP and MD of Xiaomi India Manu Kumar Faith had been promoting that Mi A3 volition be one of the first few devices to get Google's Android 10, as we assure in the tweet dated Aug 22 below.

Since then, Mi A3 users had been anticipating Android 10 update with every other system of rules update that came their way. Unfortunately, the users were unsuccessful every time since all those updates ended up being security patches over Android Pie.

Now, Sumit Sonal, the Brand Lead at Xiaomi India took to Twitter to share the reason why the company missed the expected software update timeline for Mi A3. In the nip, atomic number 2 mentions that Mile A3's Android 10 update was scheduled for mid-February simply IT got held up referable the irruption of coronavirus.

"At Xiaomi, business is critical but the value of humanlike life is the topmost priority. We are working towards getting the final credential on the update and will communicate the rollout contrive really soon.", wrote Sumit Sonal in a reexamination tweet.

If you've been retention rails of software updates, you might already be aware that Xiaomi is non the only brand whose software update timeline got affected by coronavirus. OnePlus, the company noted for its regular software updates, had to halt its updates for almost 2 months to recover and take control of the position. The company was able to CV updates for its devices earlier this month.


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